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Why do you have to be so difficult?

A clash of personalities can be good, but most likely results in conflict. For example, think of a highly academic student who is teamed with a student who is complacent with getting a C. Or the class clown paired to work with the very serious kid with not a funny bone in their body. It is very likely that a conflict will arise sooner or later. I’m going with sooner. I read an article on Ragan’s PR Daily called “12 productive ways to deal with difficult people”. It included a perspective that showed ways to get to understand why some one may be difficult. If I had to add another item on the list I would say compromise. Compromise is very important when you are dealing with interpersonal relationships. In this world everyone can not have their way all the time. Setting a median where both parties can meet can resolve conflicts faster and could even result in being more efficient.

I have used some of these tips before when dealing with difficulty bosses,co-workers, and peers. The most common one that I apply is figuring out their motivators. Every action that a person takes has a motive behind it. Finding out their motive can help you better understand why they may come off as difficult. Another suggestion I find myself using is seeing their perspective. Seeing and understanding both your own views and others will result in less confrontation.

Overall the tips they suggested were informative but I believe compromise works best. It is a struggle to adapt to a person, especially if you have the human trait of pride.

Thanks for reading guys, make sure you check out what I had to say about other blogs!

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Posted by on July 6, 2012 in PR blog


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